
keadaan aku sekarang lagi di lab. komputer, ngenet gratis tapi lemooooooooooooot nya pooLLLLL...............

-10.30..laper tapi lupa gak bawa uang, , walopun bw a.t.m tp masiiih....masiiih....hehehehe..belom pengalaman gtu. takut ntar card nya mendelep ndek mesin a.t.m nyah.
pulang..pulang... disemprot diiieee,.,.,.,.,.,

----10.35..masih belom tau mau ngomong apa?
i'm so confuse today,,,,pliiss help me !!!!!

10.37,,okeh ..i want to out from here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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about my bLog "

this is a book that everyoNe can read, and imagine. tHink what more important than just looking for a job. maKe us feeL 'yuummy' and i love it and absolutely love him...