uuUuummmMmfFF..hari-hari ku kini sering di tEmaNi Lirik-2 nya JasoN mrAz 'n secAngkir CappuciNo...waLau mUngkin iNi sebuah 'aKtiviTas' yang jarang terjadi, tapi it's fun for me..'n i hope someone understand iT. wkwkwkwkwkwk...
Cappucino meMbuat kU meNgetahui arti sebuah kopi. Mmmm...emang gak penting sih,,tapi coba teLiti,,mengapa kok dinamakan CAPPUCINO..?jawabannya,karena penemunya orang ciNa. hahahHAHhaHhA.. ndak serius iNi,,cuma guyoNan di miNggu siAng.
LUCKY in love with my _ _ _ _ _ _ R

2 komentar:

your blog is very good

_ _ _ _ _ _ R

mbah jan kopsis to?
huahahaha, ga nyambung

gaagagagaga :D

about my bLog "

this is a book that everyoNe can read, and imagine. tHink what more important than just looking for a job. maKe us feeL 'yuummy' and i love it and absolutely love him...